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Daniel Roberts
Chuck Turkal
First, yes, I clip and paste this because you aren't worth the time to type it out again. You literally joined just a few minutes ago and instantly sent me an add request. You have never seen or li... View More
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Tom Myracle
Another one of Satans messengers sent to tempt the flesh. Call on the name of Jesus and repent.
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M Snyder
Tom, this isn’t anything that would tempt a person
July 16, 2021
M Snyder
M Snyder replied - 3 replies
Paul Strass
Fuck outta here you piece of shit Nigerian scamtwat! LMFAO 😂😆
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Mark Middaugh
Another fake piece of shit acting like a hot female to lure dumb asses to be on their friends list. Go kill yourself you fake piece of shit.
Douglas Greenfield
I think I've seen this photo twice today, 😂
Haha (1)
Rob Allen
Well, they only have so many internet hotties that don't make you pay for their pictures to choose from so, it wouldn't surprise me that Click Pop and his sacamer buddies Clop Clack would puck the same picture.
July 16, 2021 Edited
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