Navy veteran, Conservative Deplorable Republican, 1A and 2A supporter. Trump IS my President.
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God Bless America Sung by Kate Smith - This is the Army 1943 HD
God Bless America Sung by Kate Smith - This is the Army 1943 HD
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After the train derailment in Palestine Ohio, all of a sudden we are hearing of many train derailments. Hmm, what's wrong with this picture?
Just like the mass shootings. Only this time they need to "legally" force you to move to a 15 minute city.
Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil...
Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster. He originally broadcast this on April 3rd, 1965. We watched it this weekend as we learned about why God must be first in every area of our lives.
GRAPHIC VIDEO: Wendy’s employee sucker punches customer in Prescott Valley
To the unsuspecting man, Kendrick comes up next to him and immediately punches him in the head.
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Larry Dean Jackson shared a photo
The entire country is passive and only care about their family and little circle they live in if it's not happening to them it's those people problem until it hits home there is no way any of this lawlessness would be happening if the greatest generation was still alive just think about this if it w... View More
Dan Bryant shared a video
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
Take them all down. World would be a much happier place. These are our enemies.