Uganda continues to grapple with the health, education, economic & social impact of the pandemic itself and the measures used to try to reduce infection rates. These measures have meant that travel is... View More
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Lane Jackson
They are locking down these countries to force the vaccine on them. This is genocide. And it is only one more attempt at the genocide of the African people. Big Pharma and Bill Gates have an extensive history of sterilizing and killing Africans with "vaccines".


Jim Moreland
There are also many children in this country that needs help I think it’s time for Americans who are able to help donate to the American children
Good example the children of the Appalachians
These families are living on dirt floors and whatever they can use for walls and a roof which isn’t much... View More

Will Jones
There is no "pandemic," it is a plandemic COVID Hoax promulgated by the WEF/Gates adjunct of the Lucifer-invoking Vatican Anti-Christ - using Luciferian China as a foil - we founded America, the Creator-s prophesied Israel, in covenant with God, to escape.
Rwanda-s Marian cult Hutu Roman Catholics ... View More
So why cant i post bitchute links here ????
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A Conversation between a Pro Jabber and an Anti-Vaxxer
Funny and terribly sad as it truly depicts the reality in the world today.
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Latest round of Australian covid lockdowns announced as beginning of "new world order"
Brad Hazzard, the "Minister for Health and Medical Research" in New Wales, Australia, has announced that the latest "wave" of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns marks the begin
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"MURDER BY INJECTION" - Bobby Lee late 80's interview with Eustace Mullins on the US Medical System
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