Why is every post 2 minutes old. Is it too much to ask to see a post from 37 minutes ago or 53 minutes ago or maybe even 2 day ago???
Still don't understand why only 1 or 2 likes on most posts??
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This platform confuses me. Most of the groups are dead last post on many of them was months ago. Only real activity is the creator and the political right. No one is living life here i see no posts about any ones day, vehichles ( bikes cars truck's) , dinners, pets, hair styles, the onlything that ... View More
Republicans need to grow a set of "BALLS"!
No they don't. They are also part of the swamp. WE need to grow a set, do some homework, and support real public servants
Apparently all brains, balls, and spines are removed upon inauguration into the swamp.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.