CDC Planning “Green Zone” Relocation Camps For People At “High Risk” For The Coronavirus View More
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James L Vaughan
SHARE SHARE SHARE. 1: proof she's a socialist. 2: her mother is into cast systems, in that she believes she is the superior class that should be privileged. I don't take issue with that idea, but in K... View More
Here's the Part of Kamala Harris' Past the Media Won't Show You 8-17-21 Dinesh D'Souza
sharing video clips fake news media don't show.
copyright owned by Dinesh D'Souza
FOIA disclosure: Fauci conducted inhumane tests on dogs, NIAID wasted $424k of taxpayer funds to infest healthy dogs with parasites
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Articles of impeachment filed to take out Biden
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Impeachment is for a real president. He just needs to be removed and his source revealed! Who is his boss?
Socialism is for Satan, in fact all economic systems are other than Empathic with God Smithian Capitalism, America, God-s prophesied Promised Land-s Foundation.