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Cy Blackwatch

Male. Lives in New york, United States.
Cy Blackwatch
I've never really been a big left or right person. I've always kind of falling in the middle because I agree with certain things, but I don't understand is when people try to force what they believe i... View More
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Cy Blackwatch
My grandfather fought for segregated America. Came home and said the only thing that kept him going was knowing that when he was in Europe he felt American and that feeling made him come home and not ... View More
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Cy Blackwatch
A lot of us as Americans need to do is listen to the subtext and actually take the time to listen to what a person has to say. I am always willing to have a conversation with someone regardless of the... View More
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Cy Blackwatch
My favorite dumb police story. I had a police officer stopped me one night and asked me where I was going, when I replied with home. He said what's at home I said food shelter a bed. He responded with... View More
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Joe Still
Ive noticed that law enfircement and school teaching attracts what i call “little hitlers”. Those are the people who crave having authority over others and are too dumb to know that even the richest man on earth has no authority over anyone. Cops opinions are just that, opinions. Its useless argu... View More
August 15, 2021
Cy Blackwatch
Cy Blackwatch replied - 1 reply
Cy Blackwatch
I'm black and I've had a hard time feeling American. I've been told go back to Africa you don't belong here where's your family from. I'm American, if there's anything I envy about white people. You d... View More
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Noneya Business
I am of the opinion that those who put others down are more mentally ill than we can phathom
August 15, 2021
Samuel Kulp
Prejudice and racism are evil. Period. We have to rise above this together. It isn’t about black guys and white guys. It’s about the good guys and the bad guys. If you say you are American and support the ideals we hold true. Freedom. Liberty. Individual rights. ... View More
August 16, 2021
I can pick up On attitude just by looking at some one! And many other issues! I skilled at reading people!
August 16, 2021
Cy Blackwatch
Cy Blackwatch replied - 1 reply
Cy Blackwatch
If I say I don't like Democrats or republicans. Why does someone take it upon themselves to try to educate me about something that I already know, I know what the Republican party has done and I know ... View More
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