John childers Anita Reed
To Anita's friends on wimkin. Anita can't get on her account anymore. She is trying to but might have to start a new account.
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Michael Blankenship
I banned her because her photos contained a WAT timestamp and she's part of the scammers who uploaded the porn. So now, you also get to prove your identity.
Michael Blankenship
Speaking of her "friends", the top one on the list Jerry Nanndo also is posting WAT images. Coincidence?
Ed Glenn
what is a wat timestamp?
Everyone ignore the fake-photo WAT scammer who's trying to suggest that the website has pornography. He's whining because I removed his ability to scam without using a proxy (which is expensive for hi... View More
These god-damned WAT scammers are creating accounts, uploading porn videos and then creating accounts like this Anita Reed whiner to raise awareness of the "problem". It's a real-time attack to try to get us off the play store.
I reported one this A.M. it was a Nasty One. SICKOS. THANKS for Being On top of it. ??
This guy said he was from Florida and when he sent me 2 voice recordings he sounded like an African.
Anyone else reporting the porn videos?
I didn't know Wimkin allowed porn video's. I've reported 2. When are you going to take them down ?
Jason reported that google is reneging on their allowing google play to put wimkin in their play store and promoting the porn and trolls to infiltrate wimkin he has asked that when you see these to report them immediately. Wimkin is trying to stop these but if some should get through report them imm... View More
Note: This fake-photo Anita Reed account is one of the scammers who's involved in planting the porn in an attempt to get us off the app stores.