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Johnny Vodka
DIVERSITY KILLS WESTERN CIVILIZATION Western Civilization Has Been Destroyed by Diversity July 6, 2021 Paul Craig Roberts ... View More
Johnny Vodka
Does anybody think it is possible that Biden bribed the Taliban, first, with the huge cache of our military's weapons that were left behind, but it backfired, because the Taliban, NOW, is keeping Amer... View More
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Will Jones
Biden is demonic. God only knows.
August 18, 2021
Richard R Mullins
At this point, and as wicked all criminals are anymore it wouldnt suprise me. How ever I dont think that it would've been the only thing in the deal they would want more likely. And TECHNICALLY it's all up for grabs anything goes, as far as trying to kill off population as they are. 🤨
August 18, 2021
Johnny Vodka
This crap is really getting scary friends. Just concerned that, as a result, Islamic terrorism will return here and will be twice as bad. Maybe the Taliban (and other violent Muslims) will join up with Marxist Antifa and the BLM. First thing we have to do is fire every MTTAP, (pronounced "EM TAP"),... View More
August 18, 2021 Edited
Richard R Mullins
Richard R Mullins replied - 1 reply
Johnny Vodka
"...flagging problematic posts." Give me a break.
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Johnny Vodka
Sebastian Gorka: "The only reason anyone wouldn’t want to demand ID when voting, is so they can cheat. Period."
Johnny Vodka
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Johnny Vodka
This WIMKIN platform is like a ghost town. Maybe, I will be saying sayonara to it. I have not made up my mind yet.
July 6, 2021 Edited
Michael Blankenship
Michael Blankenship replied - 1 reply
Johnny Vodka
Now hear this! Now hear this! "Woke" training is happening in our military. Our military is not a politically correct social experiment. It is a killing machine! The left is trying to RUIN our mil... View More
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