By holy covenant with the perfect Creator of Existence, Americans are ruled only by Truth and Justice - as stipulated by our "credal civil religion's" Foundational "Empathic with God" Smithian "Capitalism" and the Holy Bible - "maintained by fair law courts."
The rabbis teach their children to rega... View MoreBy holy covenant with the perfect Creator of Existence, Americans are ruled only by Truth and Justice - as stipulated by our "credal civil religion's" Foundational "Empathic with God" Smithian "Capitalism" and the Holy Bible - "maintained by fair law courts."
The rabbis teach their children to regard all Americans, viz. "Gentiles," as "sub-human animals, Goyim, a mindless herd of cattle," to be "lied to, cheated, robbed, enslaved, and killed, with impunity." viz. verbatim quotes from their rote weekly liturgy in the proven Holohoaxing Synagogue of Satan whose "rabbis" instruct their congregations during services they practice "Rabbinical Talmudism" and "not Judaism."
This satanic psychosis, among Americans raised to "love thy neighbor" in "E Pluribus Unum" national unity, is maintained in their demonically introjected cult through ritual child sodomy of the toddlers, boy and girl. This is abomination against America and America's Deity, and has been since the prophet Noah.
They are the Talmud cult of Canaanite Idumean Gog, the Marian cult of Canaanite Idumean Gog's former impalement technicians who built Empire on mass-terror "crucifying," in Latin, tens of thousands of "Christs" as the specific and unique punishment under codified Roman law for the second conviction for "sedition": to deny Caesar was God Almighty, the Creator of Existence...and they know it.
The mass-witnessed Resurrection forced their demonic faction to divide into twin cults: the "Christ-killers'" becoming the replacement for the exterminated witnessing culture, the Jews at Jerusalem in AD 70 - the prophesied "Accursed Remnant of the House of Israel." viz. proven by DNA.
As prophesied, America "shelters" the "Regathered Cast-off Remnant of the House of Israel," Black/Sheba and White. viz. proven by DNA.
The ocean is now "on fire" marking the arrival of the Last Days. viz. Fukushima's radiation is "fire."
As prophesied, Gog's papal catspaw Hitler-financing and arming, JFK&MLK-assassinating, with Mossad 9/11-committing, 2020 Election-stealing CIA/FBI/DOJ/Judiciary Beast Fifth Column long attacking God's prophesied "Israel Restored," viz. America, shall now be cast down.
The Baal-worshipping, demon-possessed Edomites, Roman and false-Jew, now seeking to exterminate us with the Vatican-front WEF/Big Pharma Mark of the Beast genocide jab, reflected in multiple papal bulls and false-Jew liturgy, must be edified and repent, depart or be "remediated."
Their principals, both overt and covert leadership, must be tried and hanged for Treason with full expropriation of all Satanic/Fascist wealth pyramids to fund sound, Godly, constitutional American money; and, the families of all hanged Traitors must be banished for at least four generations.
America is one People under God; and, there is only a single Deity Who miraculously effected Existence and placed Its own Incarnate Body at Sacrifice for the repentant Redemption of us all, on Golgotha: the Hebrew Messiah, "Jesus Christ."
All ritual sodomy and demonic introjection practiced by all cults in Our Holy Land must end: Talmud, Marian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, and Chinese/Asiatic.
God works in mysterious ways and though our Founder, Mr. Jefferson, obviously loved God he named our Sovereign and Savior, he was ignorant of Hebrew and in the fashion of the day did not realize "Jesus Christ" is the Person of God Almighty Who "led the Gentiles to the Promised Land of unwalled villages attacked by Gog" "by the Light of the Root of Jesse," as prophesied.
There is no private interpretation of prophecy and they who deny prophecy, deny God.
The unique, perfect, Holy and Righteous, living, present, infinite, eternal, invisible, ineffable God is King of all Americans.
Death for Treason without mercy.