Real Estate Agent in Western PA and licensed throughout the state. ( Independent co... View More
About Me
Unfortunately that's also how we got Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. She was a bartender in the Bronx in NYC, when she capitalized on race hustling to slither into the U.S. congress.
Thomas Troska on LinkedIn: Sorry but I consider posting the truth to be business related. | 673 comments
Sorry but I consider posting the truth to be business related.... 673 comments on LinkedIn
What are telomeres?
They protect the end of your DNA (think like plastics on the end of shoelaces)
Why are they important?
Cells continuously duplicate causing the ends to short and age (you can look... View More
Tracy Gibbs—Premere
Tracy Gibbs, Chief Scientific Advisor, gives an overview of Premere. Tap on the image below to watch the video!
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Shelley Duff @ Recon Meeder
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Looking for something to watch this weekend
Hooked on Food (TRAILER)
In recent years, eating has become a health hazard. We love our potato chips, candy, and fast food…however bad they are for our health. And we still continue to consume these products in ever greate
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Difference is in the delivery 😃 (2 minute video)
What are Liposomes? (Nutrition)
With Vasayo, the difference is in the delivery…and that makes all the difference! Here is a quick video behind the technology of our products! Tap on the image below to watch the video!
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Why use nutritional supplements from Vasayo?
Absorption and delivery. Check out this 2 minute video describing what sets Vasayo apart from the competition.
The Liposome Advantage 2020
Utilizing the latest in absorption technology, Vasayo addresses common problems with extraordinary solutions. Check out this quick video! Tap on the image below to watch the video!
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