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It's the Economy, Stupid...
Lies have a statute of limitations, and Joe Biden's just ran out. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Other places to find us: Wendy
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WOW! What an inspiring story! Definitely worth a watcg, Fasting, keto, and eliminating sugar are so beneficial. I wish more people knew about this, it could potentially save so many lives.
https://ru... View More
From Stage 3 Colon Cancer to NO Cancer Detected in 4 Months
Check out Fred Evrard's Book (HOW MY IMMUNE SYSTEM BEAT CANCER) HERE: Fred Evrard's YouTube Channel: Guy Tene
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#1 Backyard Weed That Can Replace ALL Your Medications
A powerful pesky weed can potentially replace all of your medications—and it’s probably growing in your backyard. DATA:
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Spot on.
The Mass Shooting and Liberal Utopian Society
A Feature, Not a Bug... by Pastor Andrew Isker In the last two weeks, there have been two mass shootings in the United States, and…