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Jim Douglas

Male. Lives in Southwestern PA, United States.
About Me
Historian, Best Selling Author, American
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Author
Jim Douglas
I'm keeping a very subdued 4th of July this year. Remember, we are an occupied nation. We have been taken over after a stolen election. Not gonna celebrate that. The President of the United States is ... View More
Jim Douglas
Been trying to get verified for over a month. Already jumped through all the hoops, & uploaded necessary files etc. What does it take!? Should take an hour, not weeks. Has ANYONE been verified on here... View More
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Jim Douglas
A couple of years ago, my book Born to Serve was chosen to be used in the A P History Dept. Of Washington High school in Washington, PA. The Dep. Leader, Jeff Bummer contacted me & asked if I would p... View More
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Jim Douglas
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Jim Douglas
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Lori Dunnam
More than likely, the day just before the announcement.
June 20, 2021
Jim Douglas
updated his profile photo.
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