This universe was created in perfect balance; a symbiotic system that thrives within itself in constant cooperation and regeneration.
Like our own bodies, it’s only when balance is lost, that dis-ea... View MoreThis universe was created in perfect balance; a symbiotic system that thrives within itself in constant cooperation and regeneration.
Like our own bodies, it’s only when balance is lost, that dis-ease kicks in.
It’s one of humanity’s pending lessons, to fully understand and embrace our intrinsic relationship with nature.
Once we start resonating in harmony with the symphony of life that surrounds us, everything will fall into place and balance will be restored.
We need of nature more than nature needs of us, so let’s respect Creation’s perfect and fragile balance and allow it to do what it does best: heal, regenerate and thrive.
Once we do, humanity will heal, regenerate and thrive too.
We are watching a movie, but the movie is not for us. The dialogues, the actions, the settings, the scenes, the drama… it’s not intended for us, that’s why it doesn’t make sense.
The movie being pla... View MoreWe are watching a movie, but the movie is not for us. The dialogues, the actions, the settings, the scenes, the drama… it’s not intended for us, that’s why it doesn’t make sense.
The movie being played out is written in code; it’s two sides waging a secret war - publicly. Where posturing, baits, threats and words are loaded with hidden messages.
One side is holding all the cards, (thank goodness) and the other side is franctically trying to hold on to whatever power they have left, desperately pulling all their puppets’ strings to create more confusion, chaos and conflict.
The media dutifully narrates the story as per their master’s instructions, negating the obvious, highlighting the unimportant and twisting the truth in favour of their usual lies.
The indoctrinated masses will suport whatever the tell-a-vision throws at them, even if it means giving up the last penny left in their pockets for the benefit of a cokehead actor and the mafia that controls him, but that is the level of hypnosis they are under.
To make matters even more interesting, the protagonist is a master troller with a twisted sense of humour. He knows how to push his adversaries’ buttons, how to provoke, how to entice, how to infuriate but above all, how to negotiate successfully. One must become fluent in ‘Trumpese’ if you are to enjoy this frantic movie at some level.
Comedians turned presidents dressed for the impending show, pull a scene at the Oval office in order to avoid signing a deal his handlers have told him to reject. Perhaps he’s already signed a deal with the other side…? 🤔
Instructed to act like the tough guy in some B rate movie, the cokehead actor thinks he can rattle Trump! 😂 But Trump knows what’s going on and he’s the one holding all the cards.
The midget DICTATOR, as per Trump’s recent declarations, has lost, and he knows like Trump knows, that he is an ilegitimate President, he became so when he called off the elections. So can he actually sign any legally binding agreement? 🧐
Trump was sending the message to the other side: whatever the midget may have signed, is null and void.
Meanwhile the globalist King, shall we call him the ‘Rothschild’s King’? Who happens to sit at the head of the evil pyramid of power, made sure to send his lackey Starmer to hand a personal invitation to get Trump to come to an agreement with them; ‘let’s split Ukraine’s wealth between us, shall we?’ but Trump made it clear, - “You are holding NO cards” The message was not for the puppet but for the master.
The villains however, are megalomaniac psychopaths who would rather see the world implode than accept defeat and so they are blatantly pushing for WWIII.
“Let’s send more money to the cokehead midget! In fact, let’s send troops too!” Except… Houston we have a problem! The UK military is in shambles… They have no troops to send to Ukraine.
It’s all political posturing and empty threats.
Watching the globalist puppets get together around the midget this weekend, to desperately work out how they can keep the Ukraine Money Laundering operation going, was priceless.
Their time is up and in their desperate attempt to cling to power, they are making it clear that NATO is not aligned with America’s interests and that their loyalty is not with their nations’ citizens. Romanians are a clear example of a citizenry fed up with the elite’s plans. This weekend they came out to the streets in unprecedented numbers to demand their anti-globalist candidate, Georgescu, be allowed to take part in the elections (and win) for the second time!
If Trump pulls the US from NATO, which I hope he does, the midget, his handlers and the entire globalist agenda will come tumbling down like a house of cards and like Trump rightly said - they have ‘no cards’.
The movie being played is not for us to fully understand, but the war that’s being fought behind the cryptic scripts and the non-sensical events, is being fought for us.
Have faith. Hold the line.
The more you understand the purpose of life, the more you accept it’s limitations as part and parcel of the experience itself, but it’s purpose can only be understood when you acknowledge certain trut... View MoreThe more you understand the purpose of life, the more you accept it’s limitations as part and parcel of the experience itself, but it’s purpose can only be understood when you acknowledge certain truths:
Truth number one is; that there is an infinite intelligence behind this perfectly designed universe. A Creator.
Truth number two is; that humanity was created by the Creator in order to be able to witness and experience the universe he had created.
Truth number three is; that we are eternal souls having a human experience. In other words; we ARE a soul, we HAVE a body.
Truth number four is; that the Creator’s essence is within us so he can experience his creation through us.
Truth number five is; that life is finite because it’s just an experience, a physical roller coaster ride for our souls. Immortality is therefore unnecessary and would defeat the purpose of life itself. Our physical limitations allow us to experience what our limitless dimension cannot.
Truth number six is, when you understand the first five truths, you realise there is absolutely NOTHING to fear.
And when you are free from fear is when you truly begin to live.
Nothingburger, term used to describe a situation that receives a lot of attention, but which, upon closer examination, proves to be of little to no real significance.
That’s what we got yesterday - A... View MoreNothingburger, term used to describe a situation that receives a lot of attention, but which, upon closer examination, proves to be of little to no real significance.
That’s what we got yesterday - A dog and pony show of smiling influencers holding binders with nothing new in them.
And why influencers? Why not publish a pdf of the files? Why were they even smiling? Is holding information on the biggest human trafficking and sex abuse case a reason to gleefully smile?! WTH!
Social media is ablaze with comments of disappointment, frustration and anger, and quite rightly so. It felt like a total rug pull.
The story goes that the SDNY is holding back evidence from Bondi. The underlying narrative is insurrection and obstruction from Deep State actors within the FBI and SDNY… Is it possible? Yes.
But if that is the real reason, it only shows Team Trump is not as powerful and effective as we thought.
I’m not buying any of it. It was all too much of a show, too much of a teasing exercise…
What was it really all about? Why did it feel to me like it was a message? A bait? A threat? A negotiating tactic? 🤔
“Hey! Look! I’m showing the binders for the public to see! This is just a nothingburger, but I’ve got the real deal ready to expose unless… you do this and this and this.”
Yes, it’s blackmail. It’s using the enemy’s tactic against them.
It’s important to understand that we’re dealing with heads of state, intelligence agencies and even Monarchs on the infamous list! Would you simply reveal them? Our would you first get them to do exactly what you needed them to do?
And it could be many things; bring down governments, end wars, withdraw from the WHO or NATO or the EU… Who knows! It could be anything!
I just know that this is a global chess game and that if you need other countries to capitulate, perhaps you don’t want to show your hand just yet.
We all want justice, but it may have to wait until things are dismantled, organisations bankrupted, agencies purged and nations brought in line.
There’s only one thing I want more than justice, and that is the dismantling of the evil matrix that has enslaved us, abused us, poisoned us and kept us in eternal conflict.
If blackmailing, teasing, baiting, confusing or threatening is necessary to bring the system down, so be it. Justice will come, but we may have to wait…
They say patience is a virtue…
Truth. Faith. Freedom.
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