Excellent Clip!! This needs to be spread FAR and WIDE.
President Trump is the ONLY President in my life time that has taken on this battle. Yes, this is a battle, a battle for children, a battle fo... View More
All sworn to The Oath know it only happens with moral leadership seeking holiness and righteousness before America’s God, the Deity, Jesus Christ.
Only demon-possessed Fifth Column Traitors of Christ-killing sodomite child-raping Marian/Talmud/Muslim Idumean Gog, long attacking Our Holy Nation, ven... View More
Debbie shared a photo
These issues have been in plain sight for decades! Joe McCarthy exposed them and everyone laughed at him.
If they go though with this I’ll never get to see my family again 🥺 View More
G20 Leaders Agree to Global Vaccination Passport System: 'Where Will It End?'
The leaders of the world's largest economies at the G20 meeting held in Bali, Indonesia, this week did much more than discuss current economic troubles. They also drafted and signed a declaration in w
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Common Sense Evaluation shared a photo
Those missiles have an accuracy hit rate of a few feet.
The fact that Zelenskyy was immediately on TV demanding WW3 tells me one thing:
He deliberately targeted Poland.
The only thing that prevente... View More
The Greatest Lie Ever Sold FULL Documentary Movie (2022) Candace Owens BLACK LIVES MATTER
Source, Candace Owens George Floyd BLACK LIVES MATTER
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