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Karen Stewart

Female. Lives in Columbia, Maryland, United States. Born on January 1, 1920. Is married.
Karen Stewart
Karen Stewart
Karen Stewart
WENDY BELL or other media, want to know about the use of microwave weapons and other electromagnetic weapons (Directed Energy Weapons/DEW) by FBI FUSION CENTERS on INNOCENT AMERICANS? Contact me. Reti... View More
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Patrick Bryson
Can we be good friends
August 4, 2021
Karen Stewart
FUSION CENTER gang stalkers use Directed Energy Weapons from the backs and fronts of their cars as their innocent target drives trying to cause injury. This distortion is due to the electromagnetic fi... View More
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Debra Verdon
Yes this is happening to many of us worldwide!
May 3, 2021
Karen Stewart
FUSION CENTER gang stalkers use Directed Energy Weapons from the backs and fronts of their cars as their innocent target drives trying to cause injury. This distortion is due to the electromagnetic fi... View More
Karen Stewart
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Karen Stewart
But in actuality, are Trojan Horses run by the CCP controlled DHS FBI Fusion Centers waging a cowardly war of attrition using Directed Energy Weapons like microwave on innocent citizens in their own homes to sicken a kill them.
July 3, 2021 Edited
Karen Stewart
Yes, supposedly this is tgeir civer story, but really acting as Trojan Horses to attack good, decent Anericans - NOT terrorists. Its a numbers game, the more “threats” the more money in tgeir budgets but they are taking “hit” contracts on “inconvenient” truth-tellers like me, and they are “selling a... View More
July 25, 2021
Karen Stewart
Typos, sorry.
July 25, 2021
Karen Stewart
The Feds have been infiltrated by a criminal cabal for a very long time.
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Debra Verdon
Rhonda pence is targeted and tortured wit DEW like we are because she interviewed this amazing man?
May 3, 2021
Karen Stewart
Yes, that was her “crime” that ruined her life and put her on the kill list.
July 3, 2021
Karen Stewart
Karen Stewart
NSA / National Security Agency is no more our friends than CIA, DOJ, DOD, FBI, RISS, FUSION CENTERS INFRAGARD - all DEEP STATE traitors.
Karen Stewart
Chris Door / Interview on Federal Government sponsored gang stalking of Patriots and innocent people. / WAR ON AMERICA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MINroAshzE0
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Karen Stewart
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Karen Stewart
Audio Interview re Rogue Government Attacks on Patriots VERITAS Dec 17, 2019 really 12 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ3aNY9-jVY&feature=share
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