I have been shouting this same message, on this platform, everyday for 5 months. The so called Militia's, Patriots and war fighters in America have done nothing. 400 millions gun standing silent? If you are not willing to use them, they are simply something you brag to your friends about having. The... View MoreI have been shouting this same message, on this platform, everyday for 5 months. The so called Militia's, Patriots and war fighters in America have done nothing. 400 millions gun standing silent? If you are not willing to use them, they are simply something you brag to your friends about having. They are as worthless as tits on a boar hog.
This profile screams scammer. Only two pictures uploaded the time zone stamps are removed. Everything else is shared only. Friend at your own risk people.
"williams smith" (such a unique name) is a fake profile posing as a media dop with stolen photos and another shill account sharing stolen videos so make it look loke their work.