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Carol Danyus
A study came out months ago with the exact same conclusion
https://21stcenturywire.com/2021/03/07/dr-scott-jensen-who-confirm-weve-all-been- - Join the conversation on @clouthub
Dr. Scott Jensen, WHO Confirm: 'We've All Been Played' on COVID-19 - 21st Century Wire
21WIRE + Coronavirus Plushie | It's official: we've all been played.
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Dear Wimkin Friends Request scam center: I am happily married and I have no money as I am a U.S. taxpayer
Please stop trying to con me, thank you.
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
This is absolutely ridiculous! Liars, hypocrites, Satanists and I could on and on. These poor children at the hands of monsters.
Not Joking: The Left vs. Dr. Suess Wokeness Has Brought America to This DailySurge
This is not a Joke: The Left -- and apparently the Biden White House -- have turned on Dr. Suess. "Wokeness" Has Brought America to This wretched state.
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