Non-Profit Organization
All about the pestilences known as "Scams and their Scammers"! How to detect them, how to repels them, how to ignore them... AND NEVER GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY! NEVER! FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER! ANDDDDD CUT THEM OFF! Do Not Communicates With these PESTS! They are Narcissists-Sociopaths-Psychopaths, THEY THINKS YOU OWES THEM. THEY ARE WRONG. WE DO NOT OWE THEM ANYTHING!
FirstSocial | Where Free Speech Exists HOW TO INSTALL OUR APP: Go to your mobile browser and depending on your phone, there should be a button to add the website to your home screen. Doing this actually installs our app to your phone. built FirstSocial so we can get away from big tech and get our free speech back. This is a free network but it has grown rapidly. We launched 2 days ago and already have almost 40k members.