No one is better. ?
No one is worse. ?
We are all evolving in our own incubators and on our own timelines. Everything is in Divine and perfect order. ?... View MoreNo one is better. ?
No one is worse. ?
We are all evolving in our own incubators and on our own timelines. Everything is in Divine and perfect order. ?
When you are centered in truth there is nothing, nothing in this universe that can take you out of it. You can show graphs, charts, death count trackers, maps, studies, the "evidence" but once one has honed in on truly healing and therefore dissolving the illusions of the world we live in there's no going back. They may, for a while try and run, drug, drink, enmesh, hide, lash out, and abandon themselves but like a portal artery to the Creator the blood of truth will find a way to ooze out of them. For the truth cannot be contained. It simply IS. ?
When you are centered and aligned in truth you cannot be poked or prodded because the bear, aka, the ego was killed off for your own awakening. You see that all is an illusion, that we are all connected. You know on a deep level what you do to another you do to yourself. The smear campaigns fall flat, deflated because there's no hook in you anymore. ?
But...when you are not in alignment with truth you are quick to anger, quick to attack, defend, blame, and seek to destroy those opinions or facts which deeply remind you you are out of alignment, you are off the path of truth. This is why you are so easily angered, this isn't about a death count tracker or toilet paper over your's about you not being truthful with yourself more than anything. You were taken in by the lie, believed the lie, oriented your entire life around the lie and if someone points out the lie, you don't wanna go there, so you attack instead.
I get it. I've been there. But no matter what, the truth will stay in step with bringing us into alignment, and most times that is with a hard slap of reality. Yes, it will be painful, but it's also meant to help you us to align with our purpose here on this planet. ?
Truth will keep calling you, until you finally decide to answer it. ?