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Bill English

Male. Born on April 26, 1956.

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Tony Dunlap
Term limits is a red herring. Parties will simply groom new members to take their places. Plus you are limiting the rare GOOD one. Far better is to repeal the sixteenth amendment, and put additional STATE controls over how much the federal government can spend/borrow. Its those trillions of dollar... View More
February 10, 2021
BEBill English replied - 4 replies
kinda humorous how a post about ending term limits goes off topic about ending federal taxation. It's not that complicated,
February 11, 2021
Tony Dunlap
It was the "amending the constitution" that linked them. And we were called the United STATES of America for a reason. It was intended that the STATES call most of the shots. Just follow the chain of command. We decide OUR state (we have no say in any others) and the STATES decide the federal. The ... View More
February 11, 2021
BEBill English replied - 1 reply