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Monica McPherrin

Female. Born on September 9, 1962.
Monica McPherrin
Monica McPherrin
CNN's #BrianStelter received a swift lesson in supply chain function and self-awareness over the weekend after he attempted to downplay the seriousness of the supply chain crisis. #supplychain https:... View More
Monica McPherrin
Joe Biden is lying about his massive tax hikes, here’s the evidence. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/spending-bill-break-biden-pledge-raise-taxes-middle-class
Monica McPherrin
How do you go from being energy independent to thousands of lost jobs in the energy sector and gas prices almost double in less than a year? Elect or (install) a DEMOCRAT!! https://www.westernjour... View More
Monica McPherrin
That's what recent data from the UK Office of National Statistics are saying, yet the CDC is propping up the official narrative with these two manipulated studies. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/... View More
Monica McPherrin
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