How many of the people that got vaccinations have been sterilized aginst their will?
Welcome to
"The greater good". ...sheep!
Congratulations on being in 6th place!?
The 5 faster women in the world have a penis!
Yay liberals! Such equality!
We need to act because humans are polluting the atmosphere and altering the planet. So to fix it, we are going to pollute the atmosphere and alter the planet?
We have gone full retard!
U.S. a Step Closer to Having Research Program to Study Blocking Sun
There are some signs the world may be finally gearing up to tackle the root cause of the climate crisis by reducing carbon emissions. But on Wednesday, a group of scientists put forward how to develop
Sure am glad I have havent wasted the last year abiding by these stupid mandates. I am not a sheep, or a slave. I will die on my feet I will never live on my knees.
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