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Ernie Sanchez

Male. Born on July 12, 1965.
Ernie Sanchez
How I've managed to survive the last 6 months
Ernie Sanchez
I'm loving this group, love our country, lets get rid of all the socialists commies destroying this country!
Ernie Sanchez
Hello all, I've switchig from commie book, parlier, mewe they are getting shut downand now here I am. Looks like a pleasant place. I wish some rich normal person or family would start up a social web... View More
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Dennis Allen
After the shut down by the main service provider yesterday, I cant find any of my groups. There are several motorcycle groups here, also different car enthusiast groups, wimkin has made some enemies of the big social network sites due to the patriotic vibe here, and once in awhile they try to silen... View More
January 9, 2021
Ernie Sanchez
Ernie Sanchez replied - 1 reply
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