Daily Eagle
China Reveals AI News Anchor, Almost Indistinguishable From Real Human - https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/china-reveals-ai-news-anchor-almost-indistinguishable-real-human
China Reveals AI News Anchor, Almost Indistinguishable From Real Human
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
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RJazz117 shared a photo
Yup. They HAD TO vilify both in order to push the china 'virus' death shots.
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Mass Formation Psychosis COVID19 JRE 1757 Dr Robert Malone
Mass Formation Psychosis COVID19 JRE 1757 Dr Robert Malone.. Must Watch to know what we must do to stop it!
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Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Over the past four years, Donald J. Trump
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Theo Prinse
The Joe Rogan/Dr. Robert Malone Interview the Left DOES NOT want you to see! (FULL INTERVIEW)
https://rumble.com/vs3gdl-the-joe-rogandr.-robert-malone-interview-the-left-does-not-want-you-to-see-.htm... View More
David E. Martin testifies at the German Corona Inquiry Committee July 9th, 2021
This is a multiple-warhead bombshell: Intelligence analyst David E. Martin has been checking the patent files concerning SARS-CoV2 and found out ... damn, listen to the guy yourself. If this turns out
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The 'Let's Go Brandon, I Agree' Song
Original by The Beatles, you know the thing. Happy holidays, folks!
#letsgobrandon #letitbe #beatles
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Stand up people!!
Pastor Charles Lawson on why you should not be vaccinated with the Covid19 GMO editing software
Pastor Charles Lawson. A great message. More videos you might want to see:
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More Info On The Covid 5G Connection And Why You Should Detox Heavy Metals
I am trying to get people to look closer at this issue. If this is true then we are in trouble. It is definitely possible and makes an awful lot of sense that the virus narrative could be a smokescree
They said today it's going to interfere with flights and pilots are concerned because it will interfere with mechanisms on the plane. Nobody will want to fly. This is messed up beyond belief.