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Ralph R Zazula
Dave Hawes
Praying that all these porno schemes will be shut down and that this young lady will surrender her life to Jesus Christ...
Diane Goatwell
Brenda Basinger
Oh LOOK, Another fake ass whore.. Blocked
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Sam kidder
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So Mark. You know.that is a mans name. Do you not have anything better in your life to do. Than be some fake ass profile making idiot that be much more fun on fire. Go take a long walk and revaluate y... View More
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Ralph R Zazula
Want something real instead of this faker? Find us On Parler too: https://parler.com/profile/Poltoons And still on fakebook, but not much longer... https://www.facebook.com/PoliticalToons ... View More
January 6, 2021
Shawn replied - 3 replies
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