@LimitGov - LimitGov - In less than five minutes, you can demand an...
In less than five minutes, you can demand an election audit!
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@Zorro21850 - Zorro21850 - The hangman's noose gets tighter by the day.
The hangman's noose gets tighter by the day.
@ThomasFox - ThomasFox - Photos NOT meant to be seen - Soros & Mark...
Photos NOT meant to be seen - Soros & Mark Mulloch Brown - owner of Smartmatic
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@RickySchroder - RickySchroder - Happy Thanksgiving. This year I am thankful for...
Happy Thanksgiving. This year I am thankful for much, but especially that there are still men like Kyle Rittenhouse. Please share this video so the world sees it. Ricky We must never parley or haggle.