Yes, I am a proud gay man and yes, I am a proud Trump supporter and so is my husband. I stand for my country. I drank the koolaid of the Democrats in the past but have been clean from them since the 1... View MoreYes, I am a proud gay man and yes, I am a proud Trump supporter and so is my husband. I stand for my country. I drank the koolaid of the Democrats in the past but have been clean from them since the 1st Obummer term. Back in the day I fought for equal rights, no more, no less. Thats one of the many reasons that I support Trump. The whole time hes been in office he has wanted people to be treated equally and for the USA to stand up. Well now we have. For a party that preaches tolerance and love i have never had so much hate come for me than from the Democratic party. So again, I am a proud gay man whom proudly supports President Trump!