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Two San Antonio lawmakers are pushing for Texas voters to be able to decide whether to continue to spring forward and fall back with their clocks.?
Vaccinated People May Still Spread CCP Virus: UK Medical Officer
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Thousands of National Guard Troops to Remain in DC Through March
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PRICELESS!!! Lol!!!!!?
@Landoflakes - Landoflakes - Pelosi shitting bricks because Special Forces...
Pelosi shitting bricks because Special Forces infiltrated ANTIFA to steal her laptop? Someone else is singing like a canary? Panic in DC
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Irene Homeier - Female
Irene Homeier from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Wimkin gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Irene Homeier has 39 fr
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Scott Matthew cobb - Male
Scott Matthew cobb from is on WIMKIN - Uncensored Social Media - No Fact Checking, Free Speech.. Wimkin gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Scott Matthew cobb
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