Angelo Genovese
on September 15, 2020
So, here we are on Wimkin.
Many of us are Facebook refugees.
First thing I saw was Jason standing like the Statue of Liberty with a cell phone in his hand.
Give us your sick and tired, you're pissed off masses yearning to tell liberals the f*** off.
... and here we are.
Well, rumor has it that Wimkin was hacked, hence, many of us started all over again.
... and here we are.
Now there's all kinds of confusion and rumors about Orbeez, or Arby's or whatever.
Despite the problems, many of us flooded back in like a tide.
... and here we are... again.
( ? welcome back DK Rice )
Sooo...The Wimkin developers have made it clear that they don't want porn or pedophilia here.
I am happy that they can discern the difference between debauchery, sickness, psych Ops ...and true freedom of speech.
Obama's Netflix 'Cuties' is not freedom of speech.
The Wimkin team actually seem to have made a decision to draw a line in the sand and stand their ground.
That is very refreshing!
That's worth two points on my scorecard and a player to be named later. ??
Many, if not most of us, fled the Fakebook liberal shitshow.
I hope that the developers here can stay the course despite all the obstacles still ahead of them.
? The attacks most certainly will continue in many forms and fashions.
A few users will get frustrated. They will get herded back to a Globalist designed platform.
Many of us will not fall for it however.
... and here we are.
I really have no interest in the He-said-She-said with regard to electrons flying around on social media.
My electronic devices and apps are semi useful tools to gather and disseminate information.
Nothing more, nothing less.
We are literally weeks away from massive global chaos and all out Civil War here in the United States.
Not to sound cold, but the last thing I'm worried about is a place to post memes.
If you think I have aluminum foil on my head, you should get your head out of your ass, stick your head out of window and actually look!
You should be getting ready for the shitshow that is invariably going to come.
Share information about what is happening, share information to teach others to survive the days we live in and play nice with each other.
I have a group here:
The Coming Storm
Join if you wish to share news and information.
So, to the Wimkin community
Support the people that gave you a FREE app and platform to communicate,
Or shut the f**k up and get lost!
Go back to Fakebook.
Good night and God bless. ??
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File Size: 49.67 Kb
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Gilbert Pro
Thx ?????
September 20, 2020