on January 21, 2021
OANN FANS One American News Network group
2 hours ago
Trump has NESARA in motion. Once in motion it will be 120 days of the new election. What that means is the USA is not a corporation anymore. So since it is not a corporation anymore Biden won nothing, it is something that does not exist anymore. Right now Military and FEMA is really the ones running the country..why? because we are in the gap of one type of government that just ended and have to wait the 120 days for the new on. So really Biden has no power, he may act like it, media may build it but it is all theater. Trump will be back to be elected for the new government it was all planned in advance. That is why you do not see him sweat and he said the best it yet to come. PLUS during this time. the deadheads can see how much damage Biden is doing and be sorry they voted for him..more of a lesson.. but the military and FEMA will not allow the damage to happen..that is why our country right now is surrounded by military by land and sea.
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