on January 17, 2021
We've had tens of thousands of new users whom have joined recently that may not know this. The name Wimkin derives from "World Must Know" (WMKN) and is based on having the opportunity to vocalize whatever one believes is the truth and of course, freedom of speech. It all began for us at www.worldmustknow.com. While the site needs updated, there is still some very valuable information there and some articles written by yours truly ????. www.worldmustknow.com. Thanks!
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Dave Hawes
We humans are all biased. It can be good or bad because both options exist for us at all times. Our World View is the determining factor. It becomes a lens through which we observe and form conclusions. As for me, the most accurate "World View" available on earth is a Biblical one. With it, we can a... View More
January 18, 2021 Edited
Tony Dunlap
Tony Dunlap replied - 2 replies
Bruce small
Jason sold out for money. You can see the muslim propaganda all over this website. You guys just keep sitting in your houses, that makes it real easy for these bastards to go door to door, shooting you in the head..
January 18, 2021
Dave Hawes
Dave Hawes replied - 2 replies