Tom Young
on January 4, 2021
I first used this picture on a old blog, back when King George the 2cd was supposedly running the country. I had issues with him, I had issues with his daddy, Reagan, Carter, Clinton & Obama. Hell, I got issues with Trump as well. Ain't none of them done anything they promised to do.
I don't believe that Federalism is the answer for anything. I believe it's the problem for most issues. We have oppressive taxation and excessive regulations that pretty much prevents anything from succeeding anymore.
We've become a divided nation due to our tolerance of pretty much everything and anything. We are no longer a country made one by many, rather a country of micro-cultures. Inclusion and tolerance is what brought the downfall of the Roman Empire, it's what will bring the downfall of the United States.
Is there a solution to the problems facing this nation? Only one, unless we do as as our Creator has instructed us in 2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I hear lots of people be a prayerin for this country. How many are following it up with being humble, seeking God, turning from evil?
Just sayin ...
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