Patriot Bob
on January 1, 2021
My other family
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Robert Parker
How many of you all are indeed willing to throw down get bloody, shed blood of your neighbors if needed? IIfor one am done with these coward, Spineless traitors! Im by myself, so going out for the well being of my Country is by my definition, just fine! Just curious how many are ready to give the... View More
January 1, 2021 Edited
James Prater
I hear ya robert. I lived for 69 years now, can move as quick as I once did, but I still shoot as good as I ever did ! I have decided that if i give my life for the cause and god, then im ready !
January 3, 2021
Robert Parker
Robert Parker replied - 1 reply
Patriot Bob
AT my age I am willing to stand and fight .I would rather stand and fight and be a free man than be a slave on my knees, and yes I will get blood on my hands
January 4, 2021