PJ Y?havahu ben-Amos Oh
on December 19, 2020
Vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny observes:
"This study was implemented by the Cochrane Collaboration, an international, independent research group. We're typically told by the CDC each year that the seasonal flu vaccine is 40% to 60% effective. The Cochrane reviewers found it to be 1% effective - "100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms." That's seems so absurd, it's almost difficult for *me* to believe!
They told us the flu vaccine is 99% ineffective. Moreover, acknowledging that some of the data they used were from vaccine manufacturers and therefore likely biased, they go on to say that that estimate may be optimistic. Frankly, I don't see much room for optimism.
They cite as a confounding factor in their overall estimate the fact that the "harms evidence base" for the flu vaccine is limited. Not surprisingly, no mention was made of the benefits evidence base. In a previous flu-related post on this page a woman commented that she used to get the flu every year, like clockwork. She'd get sick, go to the doctor, get the Rx du jour and recover, only to go through it again the following year - until one year, when she decided to let the illness play out, sans MD, sans Rx. That was years ago, she said, and she hadn't had the flu since.
Word to the wise. ;-)"
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