Why was Mecca not mentioned in any historical documents until the 8th century?
If it is such an important town, and the Quran originated in Mecca, why does it only refer to Mecca once?
Is there any mention of it in the Bible or Jewish scriptures, and are there any contemporary mentions of pre-Islamic Mecca? Mecca is only mentioned once in the Quran, and its description differs from that of the Meccan area today.
There was a place called baca in the Mesopotamian area about 1500 years ago, and it probably refers to this.
The Mecca in now Saudi Arabia was not mentioned in historical records from the 7th century CE and only written about 200 years later.
Making up a story and trying to rewrite or change history is called redacting, and this is what happened in the Islamic storyline!
Mecca is mentioned by name once in the Quran in 48:24: "He is the One Who held back their hands from you and your hands from them in the valley of Mecca, after giving you the upper hand over a group of them. And God is All-Seeing of what you do."
Mecca did not exist as a significant city until the mid 8th century.
As is evidenced by archaeology, the first Mosques had worshippers bowing toward Petra, not the Mecca we know today. All other references will mention Makkah, Bakka, and perhaps other references to “the city” or “the safe place.” Still, they will give you no evidence that these references in the Quran are talking about Mecca or even that they are all talking about the same place.
The reason for this is that none exists because the origins of Islam are found in Petra, not in Mecca. There is no mention of Mecca in the writings of any classical writer or geographer before the 4th century A.D.
We have complete records of Greek and Roman writers and many geographers who visited Arabia from the 4th century B.C through the 3rd century A.D.
Some people drew maps of Arabia, telling us about every city, village, tribe, and temple existing there, yet none mentioned Mecca. We can see this in the writings of Strabo, a famous Greek geographer and historian, who lived between 64 B.C. and 23 A.D. With reliable accuracy, we find that Mecca is a forgery.
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