Not fitting in has become something to be proud of when the norm is so screwed up! Swimming against the current is not easy and it can be exhausting, but there’s a great sense of pride and purpose in standing by what’s right regardless of society’s dictated ‘normality’.We must each nourish our uniqueness and share our different perspectives, but above all we must do what is honest, what is right and what is moral. As much as they have tried to blur the lines, deep down we all know when we have crossed the line and as much as you can try to justify your actions by claiming they did not negatively affect anyone, how will they affect you? Remember, loving yourself is the basis for fighting for what you are worth, for not settling for less, for not complying, for claiming your sovereignty and for not relinquishing your freedom.Everytime you do something without integrity you are devaluing yourself and your own self esteem will be deminished. You will lose power and strength. Righteous living is the greatest source of spiritual, mental and physical power, and right now nothing fits less into society than living with truth and integrity, so let’s do just that! 😊
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