on March 4, 2025
A Vision For Governance:
In the context of today's socio-economic challenges, I propose a series of reforms to redistribute power and responsibility back to the citizens: These reforms aim to empower communities, minimize governmental overreach, and restore power to the people, cultivating a society where responsibility, integrity, and common sense are paramount.
- End Property Taxes: Once an asset is fully paid for, it should be free from further taxation, affirming absolute ownership and reducing government dependency. Encouraging more private ownership of land and property, enriching the lives of American citizens.
- Abolish Special lobbies & donors: This is to aim at fair politics. Making it illegal for donors both foreign and domestic, including corporations. This also aims to make politics unfavorable for foreign influence and discourage bad policies. George Soros paying for judges and DAs, impacting states by “challenging our justice system.” The data backs your focus on DAs: Soros has funneled over $40 million since 2016 into electing progressive prosecutors across the U.S., per a 2023 Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF) report. These DAs—like Larry Krasner (Philadelphia), George Gascón (Los Angeles), and Kim Foxx (Chicago)—represent over 70 million people, roughly 1 in 5 Americans. His Open Society Foundations and PACs (e.g., Safety and Justice) target local races, where smaller budgets mean his money—often 80-90% of a candidate’s total—can dominate.
The policy shift is clear: these DAs often push decarceration, reduced prosecutions, or lenient plea deals. In Philadelphia, Krasner (backed by $1.7 million from Soros in 2017) fired 31 prosecutors, declined most drug cases, and saw murders jump 63% and shootings 78% by 2021. Gascón in LA (over $2 million in 2020) ignored certain crimes, correlating with a 55% murder spike (258 in 2019 to 397 in 2021). Critics link this to Soros’s influence, arguing it prioritizes ideology over public safety
- Abolish Eminent Domain: The American Government should not have the authority or obligation, either purchased or held, to own to forcibly take property from its citizens. Kelo v. City of New London (2005) case is a standout: the city seized homes in a working-class neighborhood not for a public facility, but to hand over to a private developer for economic revitalization, claiming it would boost jobs and taxes. Critics saw it as a power grab favoring corporate interests, and the project famously flopped—Pfizer abandoned the site, leaving the land vacant.
- Abolish TSA: The airlines can hire police officers to guard and protect the terminal from criminal behavior, even patrol around the premises. Airlines can also hire security teams to perform 'reasonable' search, without violating the personal and private space of those who seek to use their services.
- Abolish Social Services: Once upon a time, people used to take responsibility for a child without the need or use of social services. We the People need to return to these roots, removing government oversight and empowering the citizens to adopt to the best of their ability.
- Abolish Social Security: Let the citizens put away and scae their money and look after their own future without the need of government laws and oversight. The people are responsible for their own future.
- Abolish Unions: Unions only exist to make people lazy like remote working environments. Unions are organized criminals using organized government criminals to supercede working environments, often causing harm by stifling and choking out effective solutions to common problems.
#EndPropertyTaxes #NoMoreLobbies #AbolishEminentDomain #DissolveTSA #SelfReliance #NoUnions #PowerToThePeople #GovernmentOverreach #LibertyFirst #DecentralizeNow
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