Jason constantinoff
on February 26, 2025
God taught me a long time ago that there's no need for a preacher to be overly cautious about what is said or not said in the pulpit as long as BIBLE TRUTH remains front and center, never taking a back seat to anyone or anything. People will find their way to the truth, IF that's what's they're seeking. A genuine truth seeker will overlook the flaws of most any preacher in order to fill his heart with the freedom of rich and rewarding truth (John 8:32). By contrast, a man who isn't looking for truth will not receive it, even if you display it right in his face in block capital letters ten feet high.
A preacher told me many years ago that I would see good results if I blitzed a neighborhood with tracts and visits for seven weeks in a row. I did this for a few weeks until the people started expecting me and wouldn't even come to the door. Then I concluded that I was wasting my time on people who didn't seek the truth. So I moved on to other people. "Oh, but you'll never know what would have happened after seven weeks!" Lol. I have a pretty good idea, and I can live with that. Spiritual discernment just happens to be a very dear friend of mine. When you REALLY love Bible truth, it's pretty easy to spot people who don't.
And when they don't, I feel no obligation to go the extra mile to get the truth to them. The extra mile effort is for those who WANT it (Mat. 5:41), not for those who despise it. God promises to fill the mouths of those who open wide (Psa. 81:10), but He doesn't tell us to force their mouths open. If a man wants to be ignorant, God is perfectly content with letting him be ignorant (I Cor. 14:38).
With that being the case, why should I, as a preacher, break my neck in trying to get the truth across to him, and why should I tippy-toe around in hopes of not offending him and keeping him on board? It all comes down to the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13). If you have it, then you'll learn and grow. If you don't, then you'll either sit there like a dumb statue and learn nothing, you'll resist the truth and stir up trouble, or you'll just leave. HOW the truth is presented has very little to do with your response. If you're plugged into the Spirit of truth, you'll take it. If you're not, you'll find a way to reject it. Simple as that.
Instead of looking for truth, some folks come to church services looking for something to gripe about, and they always find it. Some look for hypocrites, and they find them. Some look for the preacher to say something wrong, or at least "unnecessary," and they usually find him doing just that. Some look for the preacher to chase rabbits and be long-winded, and they often find those expectations fulfilled. Some look to see if this or that person will go out of their way to make them feel welcome, and, if they fail to do so, then "this is not a friendly church." You'll find what you seek, and if you don't find enough of it, you'll seek it elsewhere. The big question is WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING?
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Gregory Corcoran
Is the preacher filling up time.... or filling hearts with Jesus it doesn't take long in the listening to know 😁
February 26, 2025 Edited
February 26, 2025
February 26, 2025