Robert Reynolds
on February 20, 2025
Just got back home from VA, Manila. I had my 6 months checkup.
1. My urine test was normal
2. My blood test was normal except that my bad cholesterol was elevated, but still on the normal side, and my good cholesterol was down. My doc is not worried about it.
3. My blood pressure was normal. Normally at these checkups, my blood pressure is elevated by on the normal side.
4. I have lost 5 more pounds, so I am now at 170 lbs. That is my max Navy weight. When I started this weight loss journey back in 2022, I was 220 lbs. I am only 5'6", so I was way overweight.
5. With the anxiety, my doc said that I am way better than when I first started going to VA, Manila a few years ago.
I am making some really good progress, and I want to praise and thank the Lord for it. Please pray that this progress continues and I get really good health back. Thank you all so much.
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You got this! 😎 God is good.
February 20, 2025
Rogue replied - 2 replies