Tim Hall
on February 15, 2025
Saturday February 15, 2025…
Do you know William Seymour?
You’ve heard about other God’s Generals, but what about the one-eyed, humble black preacher who shook the world from a run-down stable in Los Angeles?
It all started with a prayer meeting in a small house on Bonnie Brae Street. Seymour and a few others were hungry… not for fame, not for wealth, but for God.
They had read about the Holy Spirit’s power in the Bible, and they wanted to see it. For months, they prayed, fasted, and waited. And then, on April 9, 1906, something happened.
That night, as they gathered, the atmosphere shifted. Edward Lee, one of the believers, suddenly fell to the floor and began speaking in tongues. The room exploded! people cried out, fell on their faces, wept, and shouted for joy. Some ran into the streets, unable to contain what they had just experienced. And before they knew it, hundreds gathered outside, desperate to encounter the presence of God.
The porch of the house collapsed under the weight of the crowd, but even that couldn’t stop the fire. It was clear, they needed a bigger space.
That’s how they found 312 Azusa Street, a dirty, abandoned warehouse that once housed a church but was now being used as a stable. It had no fancy altar, no comfortable pews, just a dusty floor covered in sawdust. But the moment they stepped in, Heaven invaded Earth.
Then came the fire!!!
Not just the fire of passion, not just revival, real fire!!
One night, flames were seen rising from the Azusa Street building, so high that neighbors called the fire department. But when the firefighters arrived, they found something they couldn’t explain, there was no natural fire, only the supernatural glory of God.
And inside? People were being healed on the spot. The blind saw, The lame walked, The sick were instantly made whole.
And the strangest part? The revival was unstoppable.
Word spread. Missionaries came from across the world, hungry to see what God was doing. And when they left, they carried the fire with them. The Pentecostal movement was born, and from that one stable in Los Angeles, it spread to the nations.
This was not just a revival.
This was a movement that still shakes the world today.
And it all started because one man dared to believe that God still moves.
William Seymour!
How many of can dare to believe in God and reality of his power.
Tim Hall
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