Tuesdays tip: February 11, 2025…Evan Roberts began working in the coal mines when he was 12, but soon felt the call to study for the ministry. He immersed himself in the study of the Bible. Roberts was 26 years old when revival broke out. He had been praying for it every day for 13 years.“For ten or eleven years I have prayed for revival. I could sit up all night to read or talk about revivals... It was the Spirit that moved me to think about a revival”Evan Roberts.The young miner who became a blacksmith, had attended church on Sundays, prayer meetings on Mondays, youth meeting on Tuesdays, congregational meetings on Wednesday, temperance meetings on Thursdays, and class meetings on Fridays.Saturday night was a free night with no meetings.Before entering the Academy to prepare for the ministry, he had a prophetic vision of all Wales being lifted up to heaven.After his first year at a Bible school, he returned home and shared some of the things the Spirit put on his heart:1. You must put away any unconfessed sin.2. You must put away any doubtful habit.3. You must obey the Spirit promptly.4. You must confess Christ publicly.Geoff Waugh, a researcher on Revival, noted that, “Evan Roberts travelled the Welsh valleys, often never preaching but sitting head-in-hands earnestly praying. He spent a week in prayer without leaving his rooms. The revival packed the churches out, but no one saw him all that week. He paid a price in prayer and tears. Churches filled. The revival spread. Meetings continued all day as well as each night, often late into the night or through to morning. Crowds were getting right with God and with one another in confession, repentance and restitution of wrongs done. People prayed fervently and worshipped God with great joy.”Tim Hall
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