There is no difference between a politically minded individual who polarize and sways to align themselves in American politics and an individual so uneducated they don't realize they are communist without the belief.When the Communist Manifesto was written 1848, it became a staple in modern politics. The dangers perhaps unrealized to some degree.The communist seek to sway a nation preferably by vote, making the switch by majority rules. Only a few times have the communist "pulled the trigger first." Such as Cuba with Fidel Castro and his rebellion. There are a few other nations that tactically removed former government powers like Russia or the last emperor of China, etc. In each of these cases, it is self-evident evident the communist requires a nation deprived of education and blind loyalty.Taking a look at the United States of America, we can see some of these tactics. Such as the Department of Education taking hold of our children's education with certain mandatory curricula and removing important subject lessons, such as critical thought, debate, etc. Replacing it with other subjects leaving the job to the parents teaching critical thinking.. A lesson we've forgotten to continue teaching.Now taking a look at the subjects presented to our children and exposed as early as kindergarten. Teaching our young about sex, promoting multiple genders, and urging our young not to listen to family. Decades of wrongful teaching have led to a massive decline in education and promiscuous citizenry.Have you noticed our commercials on television urging a "My chosen family" slogan? This is communist propaganda to deteriorate the family unit. There are other examples I can use to further my point.However, everything leads to the uneducated, ignorant, misguided,and misinformed individuals who don't want to listen to family, believing they lean American one side or other politically, yet push for the communist narrative leading to social decay of our family and education.Each and every one of us Americans have accepted and pushed these horrific ideals, not realizing we are voting in communism from seatbelt laws, gun control, and many other heavy-handed government regulations.Listen to your neighbors and fellow man. How often do you hear slogans and expressions like, "They are so toxic" or "We need government regulations"?We speak of these as though second nature.. These things limit/remove American freedoms and rights all at the same time, decaying our relationships with those around us.True America never needed regulations because man could take care of themselves and find the most efficient or effective means to solve and approach a problem without government assistance and permission.We can't even practice our 2nd Amendment right without first asking the governments permission to buy a gun!Whatever happened to "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - 2nd Amendment.How many of our freedoms and constitutional rights have been diluted, left for government regulations, permission, or government assistance?Government regulations is never the answer; the free market is more than capable of producing the innovative man for problem solving solutions.
#KarlMarx #FriedrichEngels
#Marxism #AmericanPolitics
#CulturalShift #EducationDebate
#CommunistInfluence #PoliticalIdeology #FreedomVsControl
#FamilyValues #TraditionalValues
#SocialDecay #Liberty #CriticalThinking #CulturalMarxism #PoliticalDiscourse
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