PJ Y?havahu ben-Amos Oh
on December 14, 2020
I found the following article having some text identical to that in the snapshot of the original text provided here which indicates 57 percent loss in sperm count among Moderna's trial subjects.
At the bottom of the revised article is the following note:
"*Correction, 20 November, 3:45 p.m.: This article has been updated to reflect that severe vaccine side effects are defined as preventing daily activities, and that Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna hope to provide vaccines for 35 million people worldwide by the end of December."
So it seems they got rid of the admission that it causes 57 percent reduction in sperm count, since they have restricted the definition of "severe vaccine side effect" to that which prevents daily activities. Of course massive sperm count reduction doesn't fit that category.
Pretty sneaky, callous and irresponsible.
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