What Jesus Did! 'Faithful Friends' — Mark 2:2b-5
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
While [Jesus] was preaching God's word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn't bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "My child, your sins are forgiven."
— Mark 2:2b-5 NLT
Key Thought
Notice what is the basis of this miracle: "Seeing THEIR faith ..." The four men were the ones who helped make this miracle possible. It wasn't just their willingness to help the man, but it was their faith that if they got their friend to Jesus, then the Lord would do great things for him. They were right. The question, however, is whether or not we will be so bold in our faith with our friends.
Today's Prayer
Father, please strengthen my faith and use me to bring those who are broken, lost, and hurting to experience the gracious and powerful gift of your Son's love. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Related Scripture Readings
Mark 9:20-24
Matthew 8:5-10
Mark 5:35-42
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