Karen Crystal Angel
on December 14, 2020
As you may already know, the new moon is a great time to do a new moon wishing ceremony to help manifest the life you desire.
The new moon happens today at 4.17pm UK time but did you know that this one goes "void of course" straight after?
When the moon goes void of course this can mean fruitless efforts so what's the remedy?
Well....if you wait at least 12 hours after this new moon and THEN do your new moon intention setting or wishing ceremony then you've worked around that little hiccup perfectly!
I'll be doing my new moon work tomorrow morning for this reason.
Here's some things to think about at the new moon in Sagittarius....
- Are you feeling hemmed in? Now would be a great time to take off for a short break or make a travel booking. Freedom loving Sagittarius knows that things can always get better!
- Learn something new! Get on that course you've been thinking about. Study is a worthwhile persuit this month, it brings opportunities to generate greater freedom if you want to ditch your job and be your own boss!
- Practice gratitude! Sagittarius can bring us greater perspective. If you've been moaning or focusing on all the downsides then now is the time to turn that around. The secret to life is knowing that you are blessed and living your life in that knowing.
Best wishes and positive energy to you all....Karen ???
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