Richard B
on January 14, 2025
What's up, kids?! It's Kevin Smith, your Tuesday evening host on Chicago's Mothership of Metal, the mighty REBEL RADIO! I have been assigned to entertain you, tonight, by cranking 5-hour's-worth of the high-quality heavy stuff, from 7:00 PM until Midnight (Chicago time). Would you care to join me? I do hope so, because I believe I have a great show in store for all-a-youz guyz! Tonight, we'll start things off, with an opening, uninterruped 6-Pack of bands, who all have names beginning with the letter, "B", as we move through the alphabet, one opening 6-Pack at a time! This evening's main feature will be something I haven't done, in over a year. It's going to be, "First Release/Latest Release" Double-Doses! And I've definitely got some great bands lined up, for this! T'will be most crankable. πŸ€˜πŸ˜†πŸ€˜ Next up, a covers feature, with all of the bands playing the work of a total Hard Rock legend. Who is it? You're gonna have to tune in, to find out. (Just trying to build some anticipation, here. - LoL) A "Build-A-Block" feature is also in store. With tonight's word: BROKEN, being suggested by a gentleman named, Kevin (love the name!) from Zion, Illinois. More is planned, PLUS your requests, of course! I hope you can join me. Stay warm!
In the northern suburbs of Chicago, tune into 92.5 FM, or 1500 AM. Or stream the station, live, world-wide, totally free and 24/7 at: You can also use the Tune-In app. on your phone, to listen anywhere. Call or text your song suggestions to: (630)618-7831 (ONE song per message, please).
Show memes created by: Mark Barnett
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