on January 9, 2025
As many of you know, we have created the most sophisticated fentanyl testing operation on earth and are in prime position to take over testing at every level of law enforcement and government in the USA. Our partners are some of the biggest patriots, and most well-known conservatives in the world.
Many of you have been messaging me expressing regret that you weren't able to get in prior as an investor. As such, I'm offering a closeout promotion as we'll be ceasing to sell shares by the end of this week because we have no further need for funding and are taking massive orders.
I am matching one for one, buy one get one shares from my personal holdings, AND have cut the price by 50% which I will be making up personally so share values are not affected nor diluted. This means shares are still worth $500.00 per share, and you get them for $250.00 + a one for one match!
For example: You purchase 5 shares at $1,250.00, you'll receive 10 shares worth a total of $5,000.00, and so on. To order, visit the link below.
I only have 250 shares left I'm able to do this on and it has to be first come first serve. I am more confident about this being a success than anything I've ever been involved in, in my life. It's God's work. We're saving lives and prosecuting murderers, and are working side by side with the incoming administration.
Thank you.
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Jim Wallace
God Bless you Jase!!!
January 10, 2025
Mark Flowe
Sounds like a good investment. Not sure I swing 5 shares. But I will try
January 11, 2025
Glenn whisler
It’s true. The testing works!
January 11, 2025