on January 7, 2025
I voted for Donald Trump to clean up American politics, and I will vocalize where he fails and if he does not do the job.
As for annexing and the purchasing of land to make them either territory or additional states of the United States of America. I have no problem with this.
It has been done in history even before America. This is how the nation of Hungry started, formally part of the Roman territory given to the Huns as part of their service to the Roman Empire. The same could be said about other nations.
Russia used to have a lot more land and territory right up until the communist destroyed the land of Tsar and then the Cold War, which separated even more land from the former Soviet Union.
Land will always change hands and continue to do so. Nothing is an inevitable everlasting. One day, even the United States may be separated, and in its wake, new nations that may or may not aquire more land and may or may not become the next superpower.
The word Manifest Destiny will always be used whenever talks of acquiring new lands. It was used well before the United States of America, in fact, well before the Roman Empire. The words have always changed, but never the meaning behind it.
However, the use of the word Manifest Destiny originally used by God to give and bless being the original meaning... Renamed and rebranded by the Communist movement. The goal of the word is to spread fear, hate, chaos, and discontent.
Since America became a nation, the world has set themselves to destroy it and bring an end to the freedom of man. America, being the last bastion of freedom and liberty. Once this nation falls, the world will be covered in darkness, and a whole new regulation of tyrants, government dictatorships, and suffering will rise.
This will sweep the world quickly and with unstoppable strategies. Now, a lot of people believe that this will spell the end and revelation to become a reality. In truth, it will not. The book of Revelations takes a very long time to become manifest in reality. You are looking at possible centuries of suffering, torment, etc. Before God will say, "Enough."
Now, if you want to be technical, man has a responsibility to his family and nation. Therefore, God will give man a chance to change the environment from one of suffering to one of non-suffering. This is why the book of Revelation will not take place immediately or swiftly.
So, when will the Book of Revelation become manifest in reality? The answer is the day man kills God. The name of GOD is hope in all things, by removing hope entirely, you have removed God, and then this is where God will say the word "ENOUGH." and Revelations will become a reality.
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