Jas TexasUSA
on December 18, 2024
The FBI are the foot soldiers for the Deep State !
They will do investigations, collecting all evidence, they will always protect themselves or other Deep State
operatives !
If necessary they will setup/orchestrate a sting operation to takedown political adversary, or anyone that gets in the way of The Deep State !
Remember when President Trump won the 2016 election they helped drive the Russia Collusion fabrication scandal !
Russia, Russia, Russia !
1) The FBI/CIA/NSA/ etc ALL spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign !
2) We now know that all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan’s July 2016 memo, etc).
Everyone involved lied about their involvement as long as they could !
We only learned the DNC paid for the manufactured evidence because of a court order !
Comey denied on TV knowing the DNC paid for it, when we have multiple emails from a year earlier proving that he knew.
This was true with everyone, from CIA Director Brennan to Congressman Adam Schiff – who were ALL on TV saying they’d seen clear evidence of collusion w/Russia, while admitting under oath behind closed doors that they hadn’t – all the way down the line. In the end we learned that it was ALL fake !
We know as fact:
a) The Steele dossier was the sole/biggest evidence used to justify spying on the Trump campaign,
b) The FBI knew the Steele dossier was a DNC operation,
c) Steele’s source told the FBI the info was unserious,
d) they did not inform the court of any of this and kept spying !
Again they ALL knew the RUSSIAN COLLUSION was FAKE they ALL lied to the American people, the liberal FAKE NEWS media lied to the American people, FAKEBOOK and Twitter lied to the American people and also censored/punished the American people from the TRUTH !
What we are also witnessing is a two tier Judicial system and they are using political persecution against their political adversary/enemies !
We have been seeing firsthand for some time now, our Judicial System being politicized without end, everyone should be being treated equally under the law, but we are not seeing that !
They are literally going around our Constitution, circumventing the laws of on land !
The simple truth is…
The criminals in power want to indict a political adversary !
Meanwhile, the Clinton’s, the Obama’s the Bush’s and now the Biden’s have never been held accountable for the many globalists crimes they have committed against the American people and their best
interest !
Keep in mind The FBI has meddled in every election since Donald Trump came down the escalator and announced that he was running for president.
FBI orchestrated/fabricated the Governor Whitmer kidnaping plot, to cast blame on conservative patriotic Americans that openly supported President Trump ! (Another way of controlling election outcomes, it’s called election interference)
Then, just before the 2020 election we had 51 intelligence officers signed a letter falsely claiming that Hunter BIDEN’s laptop “had earmarks of Russian disinformation.” This kind of letter would never be used during any legitimate investigation. The letter was intended to discredit evidence of illegal activities of the BIDEN crime family, and thereby help Joe BIDEN win the 2020 election. All 51 signers of that letter should be prosecuted for False Official Statement 18 USC 1001, and Interfering with a Federal Election 18 USC 595.
Keep in mind The FBI has Hillary’s emails, they have Ashley Biden’s diary, they have Congressman Weiner’s laptop, they have Hunter’s laptops, they have Epstein’s computers, videos, plane logs to the island and little black book and not one indictment with ALL that evidence !
Keep in mind these other recent revelations that have come out…
-Records released showing the CIA played a role in JFK’s Assassination
-Twitter Files released showing the FBI conducted mass brainwashing, censorship, and disinformation campaigns, in coordination to steal elections !
We all need to understand that the FBI and CIA are key components to The House hearings !
What does The Warren Commission committee, The Watergate select committee, The Mueller investigation and The January 6th unselect Committee, all have in common ?
Answer: instead of investigating it they were there to cover up, conceal and deceive the American people about what really happened !
To write history in a favorable view or no view at all of the people that actually orchestrated it !
It’s all about controlling what the American people see, it’s all about trying to control what the American people think !
God Bless America and God Bless President Trump and the millions of at Americans praying and fighting for ours Freedoms and Republic each and everyday !
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Mark Koernke
December 18, 2024