Jas TexasUSA
on December 17, 2024
What’s the Difference between Socialism, Fascism, and Communism? 👇
Fascism is the marriage of corporations, religion, special interests groups, and the Government by force
Socialism is basically "share the wealth ".
Commism :The Government owns and controls everything . You are assigned stations in your life. If you want a car, you need to get permission to have one. There also must be a need for one. If you want to travel outside your zone, you must have written permission. In China you must have permission to have a child. If your house is too big, you must share it with other families. The job you have is assigned to you. There is a rank and file. People who have a college education, or they are an administrator at the job, they get privileges. You must have permission to go to college. etc...
Fascists do not like any type of religious beliefs simply because that means the state would be answerable to a higher authority for the mistreatment of the people.
Every fascist government in history has stated that the state is the ultimate authority. Now, did a certain fascist government produce a blasphemous version of the Bible to justify their cause? Yes. Ultimately, was it used for a "religion" (if you can call it that) where rhe state was the ultimate authority and the leader of the state deemed "god"? Yes.
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